Love After the Holidays: Nostalgic,, Steamy, Sweet


These are three short stories of romance, each of them quite different. Here’s a blurb from one of them: “Addictions have never been an issue in my life. Neither nicotine, nor alcohol nor drugs ever had me in their grip. Yet now after my Kindle shut itself off with its battery expended, I sit with the glaring knowledge that if not a full out addiction at the very least a compulsion has captured me. I am “addicted” to reading about sex; the sex I might add that I am not having in my life at the moment” , And so that’s how it began, how my compulsion of reading about sex encountered a new twist. Another of the short stories is a “second-chance” love and the other is a twist about an experience with an “other-worldly” alien. In among your holiday activities, take time for a short read to put a smile on your face.