A Life of Love Expressed with Kuleana: Poetry & Prose of a (Formerly) Quiet Woman Volume 2
As Rumi said, “What you seek is seeking you.” The Hawaiian word Kuleana kept coming to me over and over toward the end of 2019 and into beginning of 2020.I decided I would write my next book about my understandings of Kuleana. In 2021 I did write that book and now in 2023, with Kuleana still with me, I have added to the book; it is now a 2nd Edition. In 2020 of course I had not heard of the coronavirus, nor heard the word pandemic. Little did I know how that would impact our world and my own very personal experiences with Kuleana in all its senses.
Now in 2023 the essence of Kuleana is still very much with me. This is my own personal journey of the why and how and how very far we’ve come. Journey with me with renewed hope and joy again,along with Kuleana’s compassionate caring, responsibilities, and respect for earth and for one another. Join me to see what I overcame and all I see now for all of us. Discover how you might be a part of that.