Books by Eileen Love
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Eileen Love
Eileen Love

Although born in the north I've lived in various parts of the south most of my life. Where ever I am I've ALWAYS loved Nature and all its beauty and energy and nurturing aspects. I bless it all and it blesses me. I started my first book A Life of Love Poetry & Prose of a (Formerly) Quiet Woman mainly for myself and my family. Somewhere along the way the writing bug bit me and I kept going. Poetry is my first love yet have expanded out to gardening and explored some short fiction.

Fiction short stories proved to be a whole different sphere of writing, a challenge and fun too. It's my intent to explore that and improve my fiction and always keep the poetry in my heart and at the top of my writing list! In 2021 I completed a non-fiction book about Kuleana, that's a Hawaiian word. In 2023 I did an expanded Second Edition of that book The more I felt into and began writing about Kuleana, the more I realized it was important and was reminding me of how to BE myself and BE in the world, how to treat the Earth and others around me. More on that later. You can always check on my author page at: Happy reading! 


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A Life of Love Expressed with Kuleana: Poetry & Prose of a (Formerly) Quiet Woman Volume 2

As Rumi said, “What you seek is seeking you.” The Hawaiian word Kuleana kept coming to me over and over toward the end of 2019 and into beginning of 2020.I decided I would write my next book about my understandings of Kuleana. In 2021 I did write that book and now in 2023, with Kuleana still with me, I have added to the book; it is now a 2nd...

Growing a Garden, Growing a Life: Growing A Voice to Enchance Both

Over the years I’ve discovered such a true and deep connection between growing a garden and how to BE in my life, to grow a life. Growing a garden, partly for food for my body, became such an intrinsic part of my life. By growing a garden I learned so much about how to be in and enjoy a life in so many, many different aspects, including joy,...

Travel Your Inner Journeys Thru the Heart, Mind and Soul: Poetry Travels the World Volume Three

One may travel not just physically, but through the senses as well. Mindfulness and being attentive to conscious living can bring about a clarity and calm. Experience some of this here and expand the knowing and love and light in your life, Happy new travels where ever and however you go.

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Check back soon. Soon I'll have this new book about trees available as a pre-order/ I may also have a few free paragraphs for you to read after you do the pre order.

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Soon you'll see a chance to Pre Order my latest book about trees and what they tell us.

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